How do you choose a men’s face wash?
When looking for a cleanser, choose a formula suitable for your skin type that can effectively cleanse skin without over-drying. Men’s skin is actually thicker, has larger pores, and produces four times more sebum than women’s skin so men often benefit from an exfoliating scrub or cleanser for oily skin. Learn more about your skin type to discover which formulas are best for you.
How often should you wash your face?
Cleanse your skin twice a day — morning and night — and after exercising or sweating. An essential step in your skincare routine, cleansing helps remove dirt, oil, sweat and other impurities. Be careful not to over-cleanse your skin or use excessively harsh scrubs as these can cause dryness or even stimulate skin to produce excess oil.
Should men use exfoliating facial scrubs?
Facial scrubs can be an effective way to help combat oil and slough away impurities and dead skin. Since men’s skin is thicker and produces more sebum than women’s skin, it is more prone to clogged pores. Exfoliating also helps prep skin for a close, comfortable shave.
What type of men’s face wash is good for oily skin?
For oily skin, look for a men’s exfoliating cleanser, scrub or face wash that helps combat excess oil. Gel cleansers can be effective for oily skin to help remove dirt and excess oil without stripping skin. Using a facial scrub can help slough off dead skin and help keep skin shine-free. Always use a cleanser instead of soap or body wash to cleanse skin without stripping away natural oils.
What type of men’s face wash is good for dry skin?
Whether you have always had dry skin or are noticing that your skin is becoming drier with age, look for a cleanser that respects skin’s moisture barrier. A hydrating cleanser or gentle formula can help gently cleanse away dirt and oil without over-drying.
Are cleansers and face wash better than soap?
While you may be tempted to save time by cleansing all over with a bar soap or body wash, take care to use a formula gentle enough for your face. Facial skin is thinner and more delicate than the skin on your body and needs a milder formulation that also respects skin’s barrier. Facial cleansers remove dirt and impurities without stripping skin of natural oils while also helping balance skin’s pH levels. If you do want to speed up your shower time, look for an all-in-one body cleanser that is gentle enough to use head-to-toe.
How do you wash your face with a beard?
If you have a beard or other facial hair, wash your face exactly the same as you would without one. After cleansing, apply a beard oil to help smooth facial hair and nourish the skin underneath.